Rotorhead Digital

Marketing strategies have many components spinning together in unison.
Rotorhead Digital helps keep them all connected.
This is what provides the lift to your marketing goals.

Selection and Maintenance of the Aim
Principles of war that are applicable. How do specific actions align with the strategic goal and help achieve it?

Economy of Effort
Social media can be a drain on time, energy, and morale. Ensure the social efforts are specific to the task, to prevent wasting time and energy needlessly.

There are many ideas related to marketing. Small business and non-profits need to consider the resources needed to maintain a selected course of action for the duration.
What We Do
Helping translate Digital Marketing.
Digital Marketing seems to be a language all its own, talking about algorithms, click thrus, keywords, and KPIs etc. Small businesses and not for profits need a universal translator to help for this to be more simplified and relevant to what they need.
Under Construction
Please bear with me as this website continues to grow and evolve, which leads to greater improvement.